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Garth Isaak professor of mathematics at Lehigh University

Garth Isaak


0017 - Chandler-Ullmann Hall

Ph.D., Rutgers, 1990

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Additional Interests

  • Discrete Mathematics

Research Statement

My research is in discrete mathematics. In particular most of my work has been in graph theory although I have written a few papers on the combinatorics related to generalizations of DeBruijn cycles and a short expository note advocating for a different approach to teaching the derivative of the sine function. In graph theory I have worked on a range of problems, many related to generalizations of interval graphs and orders as well as finding nice algorithms and theorems for problems that are hard in general but have solutions when restricted to small structed families of graphs. I also initiated the ideas of sum list coloring and star critical Ramsey numbers. Please see my web page for more details and links to papers.


I am a professor and department chair in the mathematics department at Lehigh University, spouse to psychologist Melissa Hunt (her books on coping with IBS and IBD) and proud parent of Ian Arthur Hunt-Isaak (born spring 1995), applied physics graduate student, and Noah Cushman Hunt-Isaak (born fall 1997), software developer and Anna Rose Megui Hunt-Isaak (born fall 2003, adopted fall 2004), undergraduate student at McGill.  

My undergraduate degree is from Bethel College in Kansas (where my grandfather was once an English Professor), in 1984 with a triple major; in Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences and Physics and a minor in Peace Studies. My advisors were Arnold Wedel and Richard Rempel in math and Carl Helrich in physics. After teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science and physics (yes 4 courses in different fields in 1 year) at Bethel and Heston College I went on to doctoral studies. My Ph.D. in 1990 is from the interdisciplinary center RUTCOR (Rutgers Center for Operations Research) at Rutgers University. My dissertation advisor was Fred Roberts. I was the fourth student to complete a degree in this (then new) program. 

I spent 2 postdoctoral years as a John Wesley Young Research instructor at Dartmouth College, working with Ken Bogart. Since 1992 I have taught at Lehigh University where I am now a professor. From 2012 to 2022 I was for 4 years the college of arts and science associate dean for graduate studies and then for 6 years chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. I am happily now a math professor with no administrative duties.

Please see for a list of my publications.


Spring 2023: Math 163 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Spring 2023: Math 311 Graph Theory