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Wei-Min Huang


0017 - Chandler-Ullmann Hall

Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Rochester, 1982

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Research Areas

Research Statement

Huang's research and scholarly activities are designed to impact both the foundation of statistics and its applications and generalizations like machine learning and data science. Huang's research are focused on information based statistical inference, semiparametric modeling, nonparametric statistics, multiple comparisons, and statistical applications of stochastic processes. He has published papers in the areas of efficiencies of semiparametric models, robust statistical procedures, nonparametric density estimation, and data-driven statistical procedures. His research has applications to microarrany large-scale data analysis, wireless networks analysis, data clustering & pattern recognition, as well as to statistical problems involving semiparametric models. He engages in developing foundational results in modern statistics and machine learning. Huang maintains strong collaborations with academic colleagues and participates closely in supervising the Ph.D. dissertations of graduate students. He constantly seeks novel approaches to develop foundational results in modern statistics and machine learning.


Hunag joined Lehigh University as an Assistant Professor in 1982 immediately after he received the Ph.D.. Huang was promoted to Full Professor in 1995. Huang had served as the Department Chair of the Mathematics Department for 9 years, 2007-2016, and then again served as an Interim Chair in fall 2018.

"Information and asymptotic efficiency in parametric-nonparametric models", jointly with J.M. Begun, W.J. Hall, and J.A. Wellner, Annals of Statistics, 11, 432-452, 1983.

"Large deviations and estimation in infinite-dimensional models", Statistics and Probability Letters, 6, 433-439, 1988, jointly with W.J. Hall. 

"Asymptotic theorems for estimating the distribution function under random truncation", Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 1988, jointly with Wei-Yann Tsai.

"The power and optimal kernel of the Bickel-Rosenblatt test for goodness of fit", Annals of Statistics, 1991, 19, 999-1009, jointly with B.K. Ghosh.

"Optimum bandwidths and kernels for estimating certain discontinuous densities", Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.,1992, 44, No.2, 563-577, jointly with B.K. Ghosh.

"Approximate entropy: statistical properties and applications", Communication in Statistics, A, 1992, 21(11), 3061-3077, jointly with Steve Pincus.

"Evaluating correlation with proper bounds", Biometrics,1992, 48, 1207-1213 jointly with W. J. Shih.

"The Sample Size for Estimating the Binomial Parameter with a Given Margin Error", Crossing Boundaries: Statistical Essays in Honor of Jack Hall, 24 pages, 2003, IMS Monograph, with B.K. Ghosh. 

“Discussion on Life and Work of Bhaskar Kumar Ghosh”, jointly with Bennett Eisenberg, 2010, Sequential Analysis.

"New and fast block bootstrap based prediction intervals for GARCH(1,1) process with application to exchange rates", Sankhya A80, pages 168–194, 2018; jointly with Beste Hamiye Beyaztas, Ufuk Beyaztas, and Soutir Bandyopadhyay.