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Department of Mathematics Colloquium - Prof. Ken Monks - University of Scranton - Proof Verification With Lurch



Chandler-Ullmann Hall, Room 218

Proof Verification with Lurch

Prof. Ken Monks, University of Scranton

Abstract: Would your students benefit from an easy-to-use, open-source, web-based word processor that could check their assigned mathematical proofs?  In this talk we introduce Lurch, our software project designed specifically for this purpose.  We will explain how you can use this software and accompanying course materials, and customize it for your own purposes. While existing proof verification tools like Lean, Isabelle, Coq, and Mizar are powerful and effective, they often have steep additional learning curves and can be difficult to customize. We will explain how the custom Lurch validation algorithm overcomes these challenges, and pose some questions for future work.

Tea and refreshments available at 3:00 p.m. in the Assmus Conference Room (CU 212).

Colloquium - Prof. Ken Monks - University of Scranton - Proof Verification With Lurch